Medical SEO Case Study

Learn how we drastically increase keyword rankings, organic traffic, and organic website leads for an Orthopedic practice in South Florida.

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Engineering SEO + Web Design Case Study

Explore how we optimized a major engineering firm’s website in California and increased their traffic by over 300% in a 12 month period resulting in significant increases in online leads.

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Solar PPC Case Study

Learn how we optimized a New York solar companies ppc campaigns, helping lower their cost-per-acquisition and nearly doubling their leads with no change to their ad spend.

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Auto Facebook Ads Case Study

Explore how we helped a San Diego auto lender and dealership increase their online applications through highly targeted Facebook lead ads.

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Industrial SEO Case Study

Learn how we helped a nationwide manufacturer of custom steel building kits increase their sales by doubling their organic traffic.

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Health Insurance SEO Case Study

Explore how we helped a provider of health insurance plans in California increase their organic traffic by developing a custom SEO strategy.

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