A provider of Medicare and Health Insurance plans in California was looking for ways to increase traffic and online leads through their website. They had worked with a previous SEO agency that did not deliver the type of results they were looking for.

The site had somewhat of a decent online presence already, though they were missing out on several high-opportunity keyword search phrases. The site also was not built in an SEO-friendly way; pages were hard for Google to find and their main navigation was built in a way where Google could not crawl many of their pages.


We began by creating a series of content briefs for their existing pages that the client’s team would then use to rewrite the copy. We then conducted a content gap analysis to identify keyword opportunities that they were not ranking for at all. We analyzed competitor sites as well to see what type of content we could create and improve upon in order to outrank competitors. We then created a number of new child pages to help support the primary service parent pages on the site.

We then helped rebuild their main navigation as it was not seo-friendly. We made sure the new navigation contained html links in the source code that Google could access, while still using modern JavaScript frameworks that created a nice user-experience on mobile and desktop devices. We then helped clean up thousands of pages of old legacy content by providing a number of redirect rules as well as manual redirect recommendations. This eliminated hundreds of 404 errors while also eliminating old content that was hurting the overall quality of the site’s index.


Increase in organic traffic leads in the first 12 months.

Increase in Page 1 rankings

Increase in total keyword rankings

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