A Southern California electrical engineering firm was looking for new ways to attract customers to their business while also providing their customers and prospects with a better web experience.

Their existing site was outdated and lacked information about the services they offer and the issues they solve. The site had a very dull feel to it, was not mobile-friendly, and took too long to load. The business also had a very weak web presence overall. They received very minimal organic traffic, their search engine rankings were poor, and they rarely received leads through their website.


We built the firm a brand new seo-friendly Wordpress website. The site is now responsive meaning it is easy to use on mobile devices. We updated their color palette to better match their branding and we made it easy for visitors to convert by adding more contact forms and clear call-to-actions. We then optimized all of their plugins, scripts, and images to help improve page speed including compressing images and deferring non-critical assets.

We then rolled out a full seo strategy for the site. We created dedicated pages and content for all of their services and solutions and started blogging on a monthly basis. Their blog now contains an abundance of educational content about engineering and common questions their target audience would ask. We then optimized all of the meta data on their site with keyword-rich title tags and meta descriptions.

To further build on their authority we launched a local seo campaign to not only improve their local Google Maps visibility but to also help increase the number of backlinks pointing at the site which in turn improved their online authority.


Increase in organic traffic year-over-year.

Increase in Page 1 rankings year-over-year.

Increase in organic website leads year-over-year.

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